Showing posts with label trekking and hiking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trekking and hiking. Show all posts

Friday 4 August 2017

Everything you need to know for safe and comfortable trekking


So guys are you ready for the mesmerizing trek experience!!

Before you start there are a few things you need to keep in mind. You need to be little cautious while enjoying your enchanting journey to the majestic and mystic hills

You need to make sure that you are medically fit. Get your medical checkup done few days prior to your journey. Do not take this lightly even if you feel that you are perfectly fine. When going on high altitude trek medical checkup should be the first and foremost priority.

If you suffer from reoccurring ailments like  cold, cough, breathing problem, stomach upset, etc do consult your doctor and take his advise and if he permits do carry your medication.

Do carry an umbrella or raincoat a torch, and a knife. You will definitely require these equipments while on the trail. If possible do carry a first aid kit for any minor injuries.

The first time trekkers must know that they should have the following items and equipments while traveling

Ø  Good pair of water proofed trekking boots, keep one extra pair in your bag
Ø  Good quality woolen sweater, a warm jacket, sun hat, sun glasses, woolen cap, woolen gloves and socks
Ø  At least 2 trousers and 2 Shirts/t-shirts (preferably woolen)
Ø  Wind-sheet and rain-gear having a hood
Ø  Toilet kit that includes extra towel, toilet paper and soap
Ø  Water bottle that can hold sufficient water


Ø  Make sure that you carry power banks or extra fully charged batteries for your Camera
Ø  Binoculars, Umbrella, Extra water bottle

Trekking is like a Marathon. Don’t get excited in the beginning and do not exert yourself. Keep your energy reserved for the tough stretches on the way.  
Keep yourself motivated and do not compete with anybody. You are one who is aware of your physical strength and endurance. Immediately seek assistance from your co travelers if you are not feeling well.

Enjoy each and every bit of the journey and try to get the feel of the place